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Happy New Year and welcome

Thank you for a wonderful first rehearsal of our new season. You sound absolutely wonderful.

It's like a whole new choir again!!! You have no idea of the joy you send my way when we sound so beautiful.

I'm really excited about the music for this season. iI's a little different for many of you and a few pieces may present a challenge but just stick with it and you will be amazed how well you can do. Have you noticed for the last two years or so, that we are able to take on new challenges and achieve. There have been a few that have been beyond us, but with a little more learning, we will get there.

I've included a recording of The Journey in this blog. Those of you who were paying really close attention, will notice the lazy diction - the exact opposite of what we are trying to achieve in rehearsal, but the beautiful legato line, unison breathing and musical approach is what you are aiming for. If we add the "delicate" clear diction, it will be just wonderful.

A little musical project for anyone interested, give a listen to the New World Symphony by Anton Dvorak. It is a wonderful composition.

I would like to finish this piece next rehearsal, so that we can sing it on January 28.

I hope you weren't too confused by dysecting 6/8 time. You did very well in reading the rhythms we examined. We'll try some other rhythms next week. I wonder if the first page of Yemaya would make sense to any of you. If you look over the sheets a couple of times, it will help you.

Our review of the "C" section of The Song of the Land. Please try to review the corrections we made. It is really special to hear the rhythmic accuracy, more accurate pitch and musical flow - now if we can just remember it!

Get Happy, although a piece from the past, we can again move it up a notch. We have worked on the first 3 pages. Remember: one-da two-da three-for get ... IT WORKED! When you are listening, please listen ahead to page 6 measure 33. AND SPEAKING OF LISTENING...

Please remember that the recordings are first and foremost for listening. If you are singing along right away, you are not listening with 100% attention. What you are really doing is hearing something in the background and possibly listening to yourself.

For those of you who were unable to join us, there's more,

The Colours of My life - measures 1 - 19. Next week - Measures 24 - 27, measures 41 -52.

My Favourite Things - measures 1 -43 - Men please be very careful in measures 23-28 and 39-46

As I look ahead, next week we can

1, finish The Journey,

2. learn measures 26- 33 Get Happy

3. learn measures 1 - 20 One song - feeling eighth note rhythms. - this piece has the same challenge as Mary Did You Know - hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

4. Colours

5. My Favourite Things

Have a wonderful week everyone. Now I'm going to do more recording.


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